Guangzhou, China 28.-31. 03. 2025

City of Guangzhou

CIFM / guangzhou-interzum

Time Zone
Guangzhou is 8 hours ahead of Greenwich Mean Time and 16 hours ahead of United States Western Standard Time. Difference from Hong Kong: +0.

Climate (Temperature and Rainfall)
Guangzhou enjoys a subtropical monsoon climate. There is neither intense heat in summer nor severe cold in winter. It enjoys plenty rainfall and evergreen in four seasons. The average temperature is 22.8℃, the average relative humidity is about 68%, and the annual rainfall at the urban area is over 1,600 mm. Guangzhou Weather & Weather Forecast

The currency used in China is Renminbi, abbreviated as RMB. Most credit cards such as VISA, Master Card and American Express are accepted in major hotels and large shopping outlets. It is advisable to carry some cash and exchange for local currency when possible. The exchange rate is approximately USD 1 = 6.2 RMB and EUR 1 = 8.6 RMB.

Mandarin is the official language although there are numerous other dialects. Cantonese is the main dialect spoken in Guangzhou & Hong Kong. English is an international business language but it is not widely spoken. Interpretation is still needed for most business transactions in China.

Guangzhou Attractions

- Temple of Bright Filial Piety
The Temple of Bright Filial Piety on Guangxiao Road is one of the oldest Buddhist temples in Guangzhou and was the mansion of Prince Zhao Jiande of the Nanyue Kingdom during the Western Han dynasty (206 B.C.-A.D.24).

- Sun Yat-sen Memorial Hall
The Sun Yat-sen Memorial Hall, situated in the original site of Sun Yat-sen's Presidential Office on the southern slope of Yuexiu Hill, is a memorial building built in 1931 with the funds raised by the Guangzhou people and overseas Chinese in memory of Sun Yat-sen, the pioneer of China's bourgeois democratic revolution.

- Western Han Nanyue King's Tomb Museum
The Nanyue King's Tomb Museum stands on the site of the tomb of Emperor Wen, the second ruler during the Southern Yue Kingdom dating back to 100 B.C.
The tomb was originally 20m under Elephant Hill and was discovered in 1983. More than 1000 burial objects were excavated, among which are a chariot, gold and silver vessels, musical instruments, and sacrificial human remains.

- White Cloud Mountain
White Cloud Mountain refers to the mountain range located 7.5 km northeast of Guangzhou. As an offshoot of Dayu Ling, the main mountain range of Guangdong province. White Cloud Mountain consists of some 30 peaks, covering an area of 28 square meters. The highest peak, Moxing Ridge (Star- scraping Ridge) stands in the center of White Cloud Mountain, is 382 meters high, and regarded as "the First Peak under the Southern Sky". The name of the mountain is derived from the white clouds that fly over it and gather around its base. The magnificent scenery and abundance of historical relics have made this a famous scenic spot in Guangzhou since ancient times.

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Visitor Contact

Koelnmesse (Beijing) Co., Ltd.
Guangzhou Branch
Ms. Hailey Mo
Tel: +86-20-8755 2468-313