Guangzhou, China 28.-31. 03. 2025

Business Matching

CIFM / guangzhou-interzum

Onsite Business Matching - Prospecting · Connecting · Surpassing

interzum guangzhou provides decision-makers with clear procurement needs from furniture manufacturers, customization enterprises, real estate enterprises, and design studios with dedicated one-to-one business matching service. The 2024 Business Matching will be held onsite, bridging VIP buyers with high-quality suppliers efficiently.

Enjoy VIP Buyer Exclusive Priviledges:

● Recommendation List and Preview of high-quality suppliers
● Pre-scheduled appointments with preferred suppliers
Accommodation in Guangzhou
VIP subsidy
Exclusive access to the International Hall Lounge (PIAZZA)
A complimentary copy of the show catalogue (RMB 300)
● Commemorative Gift


• Invited VIP buyers will mainly meet with the relevant representatives of furniture manufacturing, custom furniture enterprises, real estate enterprises and design studios.

• Buyer representatives shall apply under the company to which the buyer belongs. Each company can apply for a maximum of 2 representatives to participate in the event. The final list of VIP buyers will be reviewed and confirmed by the Organizer.

• This event is open to companies invited by the Organizer only. If you are interested in applying to become a VIP Buyer, please contact us.

*Final VIP buyers list will be reviewed and confirmed by the Organizer.


Event Contact

Koelnmesse (Beijing) Co., Ltd. Guangzhou Branch
Ms. Summi Su
Tel: +86-20-8755 2468-320